Read all about successful Lifesum users who have reached their weight loss and healthy lifestyle goals to stay motivated on your journey.
Not only is it important to track the calories you eat, it's vital to count the calories you burn through daily activity and exercise. Find out why.
A good recovery after childbirth is largely based on the work you put in before and during the time you are pregnant. It requires a well-planned …
Annette Svendsen lost a massive 75 kg (165 lbs) transforming her life and opening up her future. Here are her top tips for succeeding on your h…
AnnMarie’s daughter was kind enough to tell us the story of her mother’s incredible transformation. Severe diabetes made the goal to finally lose…
Who I am… My name is Anna, I am 24 years old and live in Hannover in Germany. I work in public services. The beginning and the goal… My start wei…
That’s me… I’m Astrid, I am 29 years old and I come from Germany. I work as a retail pharmacist. What Lifesum did for me… Between August 2013 and…
That’s me… I’m Rosanna, 25 years old and living in Sweden. My life… I work at a gas station where there’s plenty of junk food and candy to be tem…
How it all started… During my childhood I was always a little plump, not extremely overweight or obese, but plump enough to be bullied in both ki…
Lack of motivation? Get inspired by a story of Svein-Erik from Norway!
Showing 10 of a total of 13 stories.
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