It’s okay to feel groggy sometimes—every once in awhile, maybe it’s just not your day. All that said if you’re constantly feeling tired during the day and find it’s affecting your performance at work—and your mood at home—it’s probably time to make some changes.
There are many potential causes of constant fatigue. Insufficient sleep—whether due to poor sleep hygiene or a sleep disorder like sleep apnea—is a major factor. Lack of exercise, unhealthy eating habits, even simple dehydration—these can all lead to feelings of drowsiness throughout the day.
When trying to beat the fatigue, a few simple lifestyle changes can make a world of difference. Here are five things you can do to stop feeling tired all the time.
Drinking water when you feel thirsty is a common instinct, but relying on feelings of thirst to cue you in on when you need to drink water doesn’t always work. This is especially true in the case of mild dehydration—which, according to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, can affect your mood, critical thinking skills, and energy levels. So, it’s important to stay hydrated even when you’re not feeling thirsty. Keep a refillable water bottle around and make sure to drink between two and three liters a day.
Insufficient sleep is probably the easiest cause of fatigue to identify. With very rare exceptions, the average adult should get between seven and nine hours of sleep. While lack of sleep itself can have many causes, one of the easiest things to fix is an uncomfortable mattress. If you’re waking up tired and sore it may mean your mattress is ready to be replaced—especially if it’s worn, lumpy, or saggy.
If you’re feeling tired all the time, it might be tempting to hit the snooze button and skip breakfast to sleep in a little longer. That’s not a good idea—skipping breakfast slows your metabolism and gives you less energy for the beginning of the day. Eating breakfast not only gives you that needed energy, it also improves your cognitive function. Quick and healthy breakfast options, according to WebMD, include whole grain bagels or toast, oatmeal, and eggs. The latter is a staple in the ketogenic diet. Why not try our keto diet meal plan?
It may seem counterintuitive, but a walk is better than a nap if you’re looking for an energy boost, according to research from the University of Georgia. Their study shows that exercise increases feelings of energy and improves mood. If you feel yourself flagging in the middle of a long workday, go for a 20–40 minute walk or bike ride. Exercise also has the added benefit of helping you sleep through the night, so it combats fatigue that way, too.
Just because you can spend the time waiting in line for lunch to check your email on your phone, doesn’t mean you should. Constantly engaging with your devices—whether binging on Netflix before bed, texting while in the waiting room at the DMV, or sending work emails from the dinner table—can exhaust your eyes and your mind. Give yourself some digital downtime and you’ll improve your cognitive function, while feeling less tired.
Face the facts: how we eat, sleep, and exercise affect how we feel. Make the right choices and take care of yourself, and the result will be an energized, more refreshed you.
Guest post by Honestly Fitness
Honestly Fitness is a health and fitness blog dedicated to helping others live their healthiest, happiest lives. Passionate about helping others, Honestly Fitness enjoys undertaking extensive research in order to communicate easy to understand, and actionable, health advice.
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