The Role of Technology in Sustainable Eating

Learn how technology plays a role in creating and managing sustainable food practices for the current and future generations to come.

With the global population predicted to reach 10 billion by 2050, sustainable food practices are more important than ever (1). Learn how technology plays a role in creating and managing sustainable food practices for the current and future generations to come.

Technology and food sustainability 

Technology can be a powerful tool in addressing the complex challenges of sustainable eating in the fields of farming, food production, and mobile apps and platforms. Learn about these innovative technologies supporting the sustainability of our food systems. 

Precision agriculture

Precision agriculture is technology used to provide plants or animals with resources. It also helps manage and monitor the influence of water, fertilizer, and feed for more accurate resource allocation (2). For example, soil moisture levels can be monitored in relation to weather patterns to deliver water only when it's needed. Or pesticides can be delivered to a specific location, preventing excess use and reducing the runoff into water systems. 

Sustainable food production

Food production technologies include sustainable food options and packaging available to consumers. For example, plant-based meats and dairy alternatives offer environmentally friendly alternatives to conventional animal agriculture, which is a significant driver of deforestation, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity loss (3). Companies can produce foods with a fraction of the land, water, and energy and also adapt better packaging techniques such as using less plastics. 

Social influence 

Technology facilitates community engagement. Social media platforms and online communities create a collective responsibility for more sustainable food systems by sharing knowledge, experiences, and resources, and fostering a sense of belonging. For example, community-supported agriculture (CSA) programs encourage urban gardening networks and empower people to connect with local food producers, reduce food miles, and support during environmental challenges (4). 

Mobile apps and platforms 

Mobile apps or platforms, like Lifesum, give access to personalized nutrition advice, recipe suggestions, and meal planning tools tailored to individual preferences and sustainability goals. These digital tools not only promote healthier eating habits but also facilitate more conscious consumption by offering tips for a decreased environmental footprint, such as foods with less carbon emissions, water usage, and land use. 

Increased awareness

Nutrition apps increase awareness around sustainable eating by providing users with nutritional content of various foods and their environmental impact. They can highlight factors such as carbon emissions, water usage, and land use associated with different food items. For instance, the Climatarian Diet is centered on supporting the climate by enhancing food and resource usage while minimizing waste. 

Personalized recommendations

Many nutrition apps offer personalized recommendations based on individual dietary preferences, health goals, and sustainability criteria. By considering factors such as locally sourced ingredients, seasonal produce, and plant-based options, these apps help tailor diets to align with both health and sustainability. 

Meal planning and recipe suggestions

Personalized recommendations and meal planning tools can also help minimize food waste by suggesting and prioritizing sustainable ingredients and shopping methods. By offering a diverse range of plant-based or sustainable recipes and creative ways to use leftover ingredients, these apps inspire more environmentally friendly eating habits and reduce ecological footprint.

To help you meal plan the sustainable way, we created a 7-Day Meal Plan and Shopping List, just for you!

4 references (hide)

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.