Spring seasonal fruits and vegetables

Let’s shine some fresh sunlight on the best spring seasonal foods and recipes that will put some pep in your springtime step.

  • Published: 3/2/2023
  • 3 min. read

Ah spring is in the air! Time to say goodbye to hibernation and hello to blossoming plants, special to the spring season. Let’s shine some fresh sunlight on the best spring seasonal foods and recipes that will put some pep in your springtime step.

Benefit of eating in season 

Seasonal eating is an environmentally sustainable way of shifting your eating habits that also has health advantages.

Seasonal produce is healthier 

Seasonal and local produce is more nutritious than those that are harvested out of season or transported. Seasonal fruits and vegetables are naturally ripened by environmental factors such as sunlight and soil. This provides a more fresh taste and also means more nutrients (1). 

Once a fruit or vegetable is cut off from its vine or branch, it begins to lose nutrients. One study found that vegetables can lose 15 to 55% of immune boosting vitamin C within a week after harvest (2). So when a fruit or vegetable has to travel in order to get from the plant to your plate, its nutritional value decreases. 

Eating seasonally is more sustainable 

A major perk of eating in season is that it helps reduce your carbon footprint. Getting access to produce that’s out of season requires long distances of transportation with increased fossil fuel consumption and harmful emissions. 

It also helps drive your local economy. Producers are able to retain more value for their crops versus selling to a commercial store. Seasonal foods are also often cheaper as the consumer because all local farmers are harvesting similar crops.

Spring seasonal produce 

Here we’re highlighting foods that are available in spring time for each hemisphere. Springtime in the southern hemisphere is from September to November while springtime in the Northern hemisphere is from March to June.


These delicious stalks shoot up during the spring months. They are excellent for our hearts because they are rich in fiber, magnesium, and potassium (3). Magnesium and potassium are electrolytes that regulate blood pressure, while fiber keeps our cholesterol levels in check. To add asparagus to your meals, try this amazing Entrecôte with asparagus salad


Artichokes are not only rich in bone strengthening calcium and immune boosting vitamin C, they also contain a unique type of fiber called inulin. This works as a prebiotic, meaning it fuels our healthy gut bacteria for better digestive wellness (4). Add some amazing Artichoke Spinach Pesto to your snacktime. 


Savory avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats which can help protect us against heart disease. They are also high in skin boosting vitamin E, which can help to create that healthy glow. Add avocado to your breakfast or snack with this Paleo friendly Sweet Potato Toast with Egg and Avocado

Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits include those bright oranges, limes, lemons, and mandarins. They are known for their immune strengthening and collagen building vitamin C. Squeeze a bit of lemon or lime in your water, or as the weather warms up, hydrate with this Super-Smoothie. It also contains beets which are springtime superstars!


Berries, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are some of the healthiest fruits around. They provide powerful antioxidants, which help protect us from age-related disease. They’re also full of fiber which improves our digestive wellness and heart health. Have this one on hand for a picnic or enjoy a post stroll snack: Chia Pudding with Berries.

Bee products 

Bee products are of course not a fruit or vegetable, but since bees are so important for springtime pollination, we included it in the list. In addition to being a natural sweetener, honey can be used as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial. Whenever possible, aim for the pure and raw types since the heat treated ones can damage some beneficial properties. Try these homemade Granola bars, perfect for on the go!

Want to live more environmentally or health conscious? Check out our seasonal-friendly eating plans, such as Climatarian or Mediterranean, on Lifesum.

4 references (hide)

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