Goal-Based Journey: Power of Reflection

Learn about the power of reflecting on a regular basis and how it shapes your journey towards success.

  • Published: 4/12/2022
  • 4 min. read

Reaching a goal is an exciting moment in time, but reflecting along the way is where true growth happens. Learn about the power of reflecting regularly and how it shapes your journey towards success.

A sustainable approach to success

Think of any book or movie. Most of the storyline consists of the ups and downs along the way, with all the loose ends tied up in the conclusion. Similarly, our lives are defined by the day-to-day events and adaptations versus the short moment of reaching a goal. Defining your journey by the simple moment of success is not sustainable nor motivating. So, regain the right to enjoy the process by trying these ways to stop and stew in each step.

Reflect regularly 

Regularly reflecting can help us identify patterns and opportunities to make changes, guiding daily habits towards achievements (1). It can help reinforce what’s working and what needs more attention. 

Consider writing daily or weekly in a journal and listing what went well or didn’t go so well in the past week. It can also be helpful to take a moment to disconnect by going for a walk or enjoying a cup of tea alone.

Make milestones, not mountains 

It can feel extremely overwhelming when we set a big goal and think about the logistics of how to get there. Shifting the goal into a “sub-goal” can help increase motivation, allowing for quicker reflections and achievements. However, new research shows that although focusing on the small goals in the early stages is important, considering the larger objectives in the later stages can help keep motivation up (2). 

Write down your overall goal and start by breaking down a goal into smaller steps. For instance, if your goal is to lose weight, start by downloading Lifesum. Then as you get closer, shift the focus back to the bigger target in mind by weighing yourself once a week.

Celebrate challenges

Psychologist and author Susan David, Ph.D., puts it perfectly: “emotional agility is a process that allows us to be in the moment, changing or maintaining our behaviors to live in ways that align with our intentions and values.” (3). Challenges are not there to stop us on the path but rather to teach us a deeper message that will help us in the long run. 

It’s common to focus on setbacks instead of considering the big picture. Take a moment and think about what those tough times were teaching you. Rather than focusing on the negatives, focus on what you did accomplish. For instance, maybe you didn’t meet your fruit and vegetable goal every day but did on five out of seven days this week. That’s over a 70% success rate! 

All types of assessment  

When it comes to goals such as weight loss, it’s important not to just focus on the number on the scale. Other things than weight are good measurements for success while on your health journey, for example, how are you feeling. Has your mood improved? Has your sleep quality improved? Do your pants fit a bit better? Do you have more energy? Even your stress levels can be regulated when you start to eat better or develop healthy habits. 

Mindfulness makes it possible 

Setting goals and reflecting on them can help create more meaningful progress. Another way to find more purpose is to increase your mindfulness in everyday moments. When you pay attention to the present moment, you’re more likely to make decisions that support your goals. 

Want to learn how to incorporate mindfulness into your eating as well? Check out this article with great tips: How To Eat More Mindfully.

Lifesum with you along the journey

When you use the Lifesum app, you can set your goal, including losing weight, gaining weight, or being healthier. You can also change your goal along the way. We understand that every day is an opportunity to reflect and readjust. We’re not into fad diets or quick fixes because we believe prioritizing your health and happiness is forever. 

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice.

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All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.