Stress affects us all. It can be a heavy workload, a tough transition, worries about money, family issues, or even a matter of health. Whatever might be causing it for you, there are always a few things you can do to get it under control and help your body and mind to relax.
The most important thing is to talk to someone about it. Whether it’s a therapist or a trusted friend, not being alone or trapped in your head is important. Having someone who knows where you’re at, can listen, and can offer advice or help when needed is a huge stress-reliever.
One of the worst things about stress is the fact that it can keep you up at night. Make sleep a priority. Curb the late nights and aim for 6-8 hours a night. Rest is an important factor when it comes to helping your brain function optimally.
If you know what triggers your stress, it’s important to our boundaries in place for it. For example, if time with family is a trigger, limit it so that it’s short and sweet. If the office is a stressful environment, see if you can do a day or two from home or work slightly shorter hours. There’s always something that can be done to make things a little easier for you.
Nutrition and exercise play a surprisingly important role in wellbeing. Experts recommend exercising for 150 minutes at moderate intensity or 75 minutes at high intensity. When it comes to what you eat and how you eat, don’t skip meals (unless you’re fasting or following a special regime). Eat regularly, building your plate from the ground up with colourful, fibrous veggies, fruit, whole grains and lean protein.
One primary cause of stress is time pressure. Plan your days, and make sure to allow yourself time beyond travel time so that you have buffers and breathing space between activities. You’ll have less reason to rush and more time to yourself.
For someone the word relax means reclining by the pool or bingeing on Netflix. Neither has to be the case though; do things that bring you joy as a form of relaxation, whatever they might be. If it’s playing games with friends; do that, if it’s crafting something; do that, if it’s cooking; do that. It’s all going to help you de-stress.
What are some of the stress triggers in your life that you need to deal with?
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