Whether you’re a lifelong runner or you’re relatively new to hitting the pavement, you’ll love all the perks that this type of exercise offers. Discover six of the amazing benefits of running and find out how an activity-tracker can help you monitor your progress.
Everyone has a unique makeup that includes lean muscle, fat, bone, organs, and water. If you’re like most people, you’re constantly striving to improve your body composition by increasing your lean muscle while decreasing the amount of fat you carry. If you opt for short interval training over long-distance running, you can burn fat while building muscle. That means a more streamlined body and a healthier you.
Going for a run is a great way to get your heart pumping, but you might be surprised to learn how much it can benefit your cardiovascular health. In fact, a recent study links running with a 45 percent drop in risk of death from heart disease. Even running for a mere 10 minutes a day can lower your risk of cardiovascular death by nearly 60 percent.
Fear of injuries and stressing joints can prevent some people from developing a regular running habit. Yet, in addition to helping you lose fat, running actually strengthens your joints and helps you build healthy bone mass. Both of which keep you healthy and can help you maintain a high quality of life. Take care not to overdo it, though, as over-training and not resting enough can lead to strains and injuries.
For most people, the benefits of running go beyond physical health. This type of exercise can boost your mood, too. Running for just 30 minutes a week can put you in a better mood, help you get higher quality sleep, and enhance your ability to concentrate, according to a 2012 study.
The perks of running don’t end after you complete your cool down lap or hang up your running shoes. Instead, many of the most significant benefits impact your long-term health. Running can combat mental decline as you age, which means that regular runs can improve your memory and encourage clear thinking and planning. Since running can also add years to your expected lifespan, putting in the miles is a win-win situation.
Running a little every week is great for just about every aspect of your health, but adding more miles to your weekly count can improve your health even more. Since you’ll want to increase your mileage gradually to reduce the risk of injury, try using an activity tracker to monitor how many miles you complete each day and how your workouts impact your health. By using a smartphone app to track key fitness data, you’ll gain more control over your health and have a better chance of achieving your long-term goals. Remember, the best activity tracker is one that you’ll end up using so choose one that speaks to you.
From increasing your overall fitness level to boosting your mood, running can work wonders. With a running tracker at your fingertips, you can get the most out of every workout each time you lace up your running shoes.
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