Why You Can’t Stop the Diet after Reaching Your Weight Goal

Can I eat whatever I want now? How much can I eat? Do I need to keep exercising? Do I need to worry about diets at all anymore? I’ll help you ans…

Many of us are always trying to reach the perfect weight and the ideal body, but what happens after we achieve our goals? When we succeed at something, we feel like we’re on top of the world, but soon the high wears off and the fear of putting that weight back on might set in.

Can I eat whatever I want now? How much can I eat? Do I need to keep exercising? Do I need to worry about diets at all anymore? I’ll help you answer some of these questions, but first, congratulations on reaching your desired weight!

First tip

Adult businesswoman having a break in a restaurant in Sydney downtown district.

If you’ve been following our tips, you know that being healthier means changing habits. If you’ve started eating more vegetables, for example, there’s no reason to go back to eating processed fatty foods now. Of course, a treat here or there is totally fine, but make sure you know what’s the rule and what’s the exception to the rule.

Second tip

Cheerful woman about to take a bite from her unrecognizable boyfriend.

Do not stop your diet plan entirely! Keeping your desired weight is just as important as reaching it. Lifesum can be a great help when it comes to planning your new healthy life.

With meal prep, the chances of being successful increase! (Our tip: read more about Meal Prep For Success here). Remember that your old habits make you gain weight, then perhaps it is not the best option to go back to them…

Third tip

Sportswoman doing side lunges on a bridge.

Keep exercising! This is one of the most important tips. All your activities during your day help you maintain your weight, burning of calories. The quantity of food that you can eat during your day partly depends on how active you are. Two workouts every week can be good if you want to keep your weight. Also, the more exercise you do, the more calories you will lose, and you may end up eating a little more.

Fourth tip

Shot of a young woman making a heart shaped gesture with his hands on a day at the beach

Love the skin you’re in! Make self-love a daily practice, and make sure your feelings about your body are not dependent on the way you look or how much you weigh. You are beautiful and healthy, so be proud of yourself and all the good things your a capable of doing for yourself.

Try Lifesum’s calorie intake calculator for weight maintenance.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.