I wish I could come up with some kind of deeply intellectual explanation for why I’m writing this blog post, but the truth is, I just really love…
Bet you never thought you could have a pina colada for breakfast?
I wish I could come up with some kind of deeply intellectual explanation for why I’m writing this blog post, but the truth is, I just really love pineapple. Like A LOT. And it’s refreshing. Nice cold, juicy, sweet pineapple. Is there anything that tastes more like summer than that?
Let’s start with the best shall we? A pina colada smoothie. Alcohol-free, with oats and banana for thickness and satiety, and of course, best served cold. Get the recipe here.
I also love mango. I actually went through a stage where I’d make an oat, vanilla and mango smoothie for breakfast everyday. Until I realised I was still hungry and that wasn’t going to cut it. Anyway, Averie of Averie Cooks has the perfect filling recipe, combining pineapple and mango and banana and a whole host of other things. That’ll teach hunger. Here’s the recipe.
This smoothie bowl contains kefir, banana, spinach, mango, and of course, pineapple, and it can be topped with shredded coconut and chia seeds for extra flavor and to keep you fuller for longer. Here’s how you make it.
I could be wrong, but I feel like 9 times out of 10 when we think about oatmeal we tend towards warm bowls with comforting fall flavors. I have nothing against any of that, but what about a tropical oatmeal? That’s what Emilie came up with, and it’s a breath of fresh, beachy air. Get the recipe here.
Betcha didn’t think there’s be a sandwich on this list! This is all kinds of awesome. It’s sweet but full of healthy fat and protein, and with carb. Delicious, is a gross understatement. Here’s the recipe.
/Femi, The Girl Who Hates Working Out
RELATED: Here’s How to Eat One Vegetable, 5 Different Ways
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