Why You Need to Monitor Your Weight Loss Progress

Whether you’re gaining or losing weight, it’s important to monitor the results of what you’re doing. Find out how the Lifesum app keeps you motivated.

Woman training and monitoring her progress on her phone and smartwatch

Whether you’re losing weight or gaining weight, it’s important to be able to see the results of what you’re doing. Without seeing results, it can be hard to find the motivation to keep going. After all, why make the changes you’re making if they aren’t getting you any closer to your goal?

Progress looks different to and for everyone, and there are many different ways to measure it. It can be visual progress, I.e. what you see in the mirror; and numerical progress, I.e. the number on the scale or the number on the tape measure; and while some people can often see all the results at once, others have a harder time and only see one or the other.

That’s why it can be useful to track multiple ways; visual and numerical. The thing is, while visual tracking is as simple as taking a photo, numerical tracking can be difficult to maintain without the right tools and reminders.

Lifesum makes it easy to track numerical progress.

BMI Calculator

Testimonials from some of our customers

  • -10 lbs in 3 weeks

    I’ve learned that dieting doesn’t have to be difficult, and was really surprised I was allowed to eat tasty things like sandwiches and dressings! The food was delicious, easy to cook, and you even get a shopping list. This program was so easy to follow, and my cravings were gone after only a few days!

    Nikki, 21
  • -11 lbs in 3 weeks

    This app is like the best thing that has happened to my health. I was shocked how my cravings were gone after only a couple of days and not wanting to eat between meals really helped. Losing 5kg in only 3 weeks is fantastic, but the best part is the health improvement. I feel remarkably much better, have more energy, better mood, can play with my kids and do more than ever.

    Nathalie, 27
  • -13 lbs in 6 months

    The best thing about Lifesum is the full overview you get on your nutrition. I’ve learnt how to prioritize my food which makes me even more motivated to continue my journey. I’ve tried other similar apps before, but Lifesum is really easy to use and stick to.


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All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.