Broccoli Most known for: Lots of fiber. A cup of chopped broccoli contains around 2.4 grams of dietary fiber, about 10% of the national fiber rec…
It’s not uncommon, if you’re a parent, to fight with your young kids (or teens) on their need for vegetables, and all the deliciousness they offer. Thankfully, for most of us, an overall disdain for vegetables is something we grow out of, and we learn to appreciate vegetables and different ways of cooking them.
Here, we want to show you just how good some of those unpopular veggies from childhood are.
Most known for: Lots of fiber.
A cup of chopped broccoli contains around 2.4 grams of dietary fiber, about 10% of the national fiber recommendations for women. Fiber helps with your digestion, and can be extremely useful in terms of helping promote a healthy gut through feeding the good bacteria in your gut (Healthline).
Other benefits for: Broccoli isn’t just a good source of fiber though; it also contains vitamins C and K which help with building collagen and healthy blood clotting, beta carotene, which you need for good skin, a strong immune system, and eye health.
Try it:
Most known for: Low calorie content
Per leaf, you’re looking at a calorie or less. That’s nuts. But there is more to these than being low calorie.
Other benefits: These are a good veg to eat if you want to add more antioxidants to your diet, (these help you stay young by preventing ‘cell damage and chronic disease’ – (Dr Axe)), and, just like broccoli, are great for your skin and your eyes, as they are a great source of vitamin A.
Try it: These have a bitter taste similar to that of fennel, so knowing how to eat them is key. Some people recommend combining them with other sweet or sour items (The Spruce), like you’d combine black coffee with a donut, so that the strong opposing tastes neutralize each other. If you want to cook them, you can braise them, roast them, or sauté them in butter; this helps remove some of the sharpness, but you’ll still get that satisfying crunch when you bite into them.
Most known for: Vitamin C.
Eat up a cup or so of chopped bell pepper, and you’ve automatically eaten 100% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C. That’s too easy to pass up.
Other benefits: Along with Vitamin C, bell peppers are a great source of Vitamin A, folate, and vitamin K. Folate is a particularly useful nutrient for expectant mothers, as it helps improve red blood cell function, which can help prevent defects in unborn babies (Livestrong)
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