Exercising When You Need to but Don’t Want To

1. Get real about your time I am not a natural morning person, but over the years I’ve found ways to make getting up early a little less miserabl…

Picture this: you get up around 6:30 am each day, leave home around 7:30, and don’t get home until 6 each day (if you don’t get caught up answering one email or another right before it’s time to leave the office). Who cares about the gym when day to day life is like this?

If this sounds familiar to you, you are not alone, and there’s hope for you and exercise. Here are a few simple tricks to help you  exercise when you know need to but really don’t feel you can, (or want to).


1. Get real about your time

I am not a natural morning person, but over the years I’ve found ways to make getting up early a little less miserable. Even then, I’ve realized morning workouts are not my thing. The reality is that I’d need to be at the gym by 5:30 am, and I know that when it comes to staying in bed for another hour or getting up early, I’m always going to choose the latter. While there is a real likelihood that you’ll struggle no matter the time of day, it’s good to factor in which times you can realistically muster and which you can’t.

2. Plan a workout with friends

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Planning workouts around social activities is a great way to make sure it happens. Try yoga followed by brunch, or a run followed by a coffee. If you manage to make this a routine thing with your friends, even better!

3. Set a simple goal

This goes hand-in-hand with tip number one: you have to think about your schedule and your lifestyle when it comes to planning workouts. Don’t go from no workouts to workouts everyday, but try and ease into it. Start small and simple, and grade up as you feel more comfortable in the routine.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

Try something new! Don’t go back to what you did before unless you actually enjoyed it; you’re building a long-term lifestyle, you might as well enjoy it!

5. Think outside the box

Exercise doesn’t have to mean a class or time spent at the gym. You can play pick-up soccer with friends, take a up a physical hobby, like ice-skating,  or ride your bike to work (if you live close by!). Set yourself free from the idea that working out has to be one particular thing. You can do whatever you want!

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