11 Tips for a Healthier, Happier You

Healthy is happy.…

Healthy is happy.

1. LET GO…

You can’t fix everything. Do what you can, when you can & release. Dance, blast your favorite music and laugh as much as possible!


Remember every situation is a life lesson, and is leading you toward your ultimate purpose.


To movement! At least 30 mins a day. They don’t have to all be super strenuous workouts. Make 3 days higher in intensity, and two more of light walking, yoga or meditation. No matter where you are there are no excuse.

My go-to quick workouts on the go are:
– Kettle bells swings. You can get an incredible workout just by doing kettle bell swings for 10 mins!
– The Nike Training Club App is fitness in your pocket.


Yes, to others, but first and foremost be nice to yourself. Be gentle. Making decisions is difficult and sometimes we make choices that may not have been the best. Be willing to learn from your mistakes. If you fall off…..tomorrow is a new day. As they say, “every moment is another chance to turn it all around.”


Invest in things that will take you closer to your goals. If it’s a health goal, splurge on some new workout gear. The better you feel when going to the gym/working out, the more likely you will be to do it. Dress the part, if you are a successful, career-driven person, take off the sweats & dress for success. Approach each day as deserving of your best effort. How you present yourself to the world is a reflection of the pride and respect you take in yourself and your work.


Something to allow you to decompress, recharge & exercise other parts of your brain. Long walks, yoga class, healthy dinner with friends out or cooking at home. Turn the working mind off, and just be.

In making time you can contribute positively to those that appreciate you. Friends, family members, and acquaintances will appreciate you for what you contribute to their lives. Let each positive light in your life know how much you appreciate them.


The key to self discovery; be of service. Be present & work on truly listening. Try not to prepare the next point you are going to make in conversation. This might mean not commenting at all. Be a source of support & love.

Listen to your body. Cravings are cravings for a reason. Have a little bit of something you desire without going into a sugar coma or blowing up from sodium intake. Drink plenty of water so you know what you are craving is real. Salt impulses usually mean you are dehydrated. If you crave a sweet or something that is usually “off limits”, drink a glass of water & wait 5 mins to see if you still really need to have it. Maybe it’s a glass of wine. Maybe it’s a bottle of wine with your friends. If so allow yourself the things that you want in moderation.


Please don’t be afraid to hear “no”. If you never ask for what you want, how will you know? Be bold. Take chances. Be confident & trust yourself. Create opportunities for yourself by asking for help or guidance. Teachers are all around us.


Having a positive role model in your life can be a source of motivation & inspiration. Always be a student, the best teachers are.

Find a mentor, be a mentor – teach. Take what you know & share the wealth. Surround yourself with people that you learn from. The lessons are in the appreciation for the journey. Be challenged by your friends. Allow others to bring out the best in you, because you are doing the same for them.


Sleep is a must for any achiever. You must be energized to handle the day! Turn off all screens, listen to calming, quiet music; write down all your worries & make lists. Take a bath, it will bring you closer to a zen meditative state. Approach sleep like you would any important meeting…it should be respected, appreciated & prepared for. A sacred ritual.

11. LOVE…

Life. Growth. Relationships. Be open to new possibilities. I love that we are given the option each morning to start over. Love your gifts & love that we all still have so much to learn.

/Joselynne Boschen, Nike Master Trainer, and Founder of Alpha Venice and Alpha Sport East

RELATED: A Nike Master Trainer on Why You Should Try Weight Training

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