Want to Become a Happier Person? Eat Less, Science Says

A recent scientific study shows that eating fewer calories can improve quality of life. Read on to learn more about eating habits and weight loss.

Recent studies have shown the numerous positive effects on the health and well-being of obese individuals that come from cutting calories. Until now, there was no data on how weight loss or caloric restriction affected slightly overweight populations or those with healthy weight. But a new study showed that ingesting less calories is beneficial even for those who do not need to lose weight. In the results of the study, healthy nonobese individuals reported a great improvement in the quality of their lives due to weight loss.

Cutting Calories to Become Happier

By losing excess weight, not only do individuals feel lighter in their bodies and can move around with more ease, but they also enjoy their bodies more as a result. At the same time, many markers of their overall health increase. People experience shifts to healthier levels in their blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure. It is no surprise that their mood improves since they feel more confident in their bodies.

Positive emotions from liking their bodies and feeling healthy along with the sense of accomplishment of their weight loss goals cause their stress levels to decline and they begin to sleep better. Being in control of their physical bodies, individuals feel more in control of their lives. Thus, many of those who lost unwanted weight also made major changes in their careers and personal relationships. All these changes translated into a happier life for each individual.

Be Happy to Lose Weight or Lose Weight to Be Happy

As studies show, it is easier to lose weight and stay slim when you are happy. Happy people are more prone to make better and healthier choices for themselves compared to those with excess weight. Overweight individuals tend to feel worse because of health issues and not liking their appearance. Many obese people suffer from depression, which makes things even worse as it deprives them of any little bit of motivation they have to lose weight and makes them retreat to their old habits for comfort. This cycle is self-reinforcing and the only way to break free is to lose weight.

Lose Weight With a Calorie Counter

One of the proven ways to lose weight is to count your calories to get a good estimation of how much food you consume on an average day. Tracking your daily caloric intake is an easy task these days due to availability of various calorie counters with extensive databases of foods and ingredients as well as many additional features for motivating people on their way to ideal body compositions. Check out our Lifesum weight tracker to see some of the features of the best calorie counter. It is loaded with many great recipe ideas, lifestyle advice for every day as well as various options for habit tracking and fine-tuning your weight loss plan.

Remember, you do not have to starve to reap the benefits that come from cutting calories. Shaving off as little as 100 calories a day could result in 10 pounds of lost weight in a year, which is a significant weight loss without much sacrifice.

All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.