1. Plan your meals Don’t roll your eyes. Do this once or twice a week, and it will take 15 or so minutes. Use the Lifesum app to help you find re…
If you’re someone who has tried repeatedly to eat better and feels like you always fall short, this blog post is for you.
The truth is, many of us have the best of intentions, but have a harder time with the follow-through. And if you think about it, that makes perfect sense. It’s a lot harder to get something done than it is to come up with the idea to do it.
So what do you do? How do you turn intentions into reality? And is it really possible to do in just 30 minutes a day?
(The answer to that last one is ‘yes’, by the way)
Don’t roll your eyes. Do this once or twice a week, and it will take 15 or so minutes. Use the Lifesum app to help you find recipes you can make easily, or even to just give you ideas for snacks you can throw together, and plan them out for each day.
Yes, you can use Lifesum for this too! Keeping (in written format, rather than in memory) a record of exactly what you eat day to day will show you, yup you guessed it, exactly what you eat day to day, rather than what you THINK you eat.
Put your money where your intentions are. Apps like DietBet, help you and your friends to place bets on yourselves. If you succeed, you win the money, if you don’t, you pay up.
Lunches don’t have to be complex to be delicious and nutritious. You can throw together a great lunch in five minutes or less as long as you have the right ingredients. Try and keep fresh chopped veggies on hand, and boil eggs at the beginning each week; from there just add in any filling extras like chickpeas, seeds, croutons, and grains.
Overnight oats and chia seeds are easy breakfasts you can prepare in 5 minutes right before bed. But if those aren’t your thing, you can still do light prep at night so that mornings aren’t rushed or stressful, and so that you can guarantee you’re making healthier choices.
All of the content and media on Lifesum is created and published for information purposes only. It is not intended to be used as a substitute for medical advice or treatment. Users should always consult with a doctor or other health care professional for medical advice. If you have or think you are at risk of developing an eating disorder, do not use the Lifesum app and seek immediate medical help.