Get Workout Motivation in 3 Easy Steps

It’s normal. We get it. Sometimes you feel like working out, sometimes, not so much. What do you do when no matter what you try you just aren’t f…

It’s normal. We get it. Sometimes you feel like working out, sometimes, not so much. What do you do when no matter what you try you just aren’t feeling it? Savannah Fisher has 3 tips!

Get Yourself Some New Gear
While it isn’t the best or most financially-friendly way to find motivation, nothing gets me more excited for a workout than the chance to wear new gear!

Get Yourself Some Fit Friends on Social Media
Positivity is contagious. When I see my friends nailing their long runs or events that are physically tough I get motivated to push myself and go for a run or try something new. Even if I don’t know people, finding ‘friends’ all over who love exercising makes it even more enjoyable. It’s always great to meet new people who love running and health as much as I do.

Get Yourself a Goal, and Reach It
Every time I hit a new goal or learn a new yoga pose that feeling sticks with me and I start to crave it. I start wanting to learn more and do more and just wanting to be better. After my first half-marathon I craved the roads and more goals which led me to do full marathons and soon after that ultra-marathons. Believe in yourself and when you conquer you’ll find the motivation to accomplish more.


See more of Savannah here:

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