5 Simple Ways to Reduce the Unhealthy Fat in Your Diet

Fat hides in a lot of our everyday foods. Here Ingrid Nelson shares a few quick ways you can reduce your intake of unhealthy fats. 1. Make Your O…

Fat hides in a lot of our everyday foods. Here Ingrid Nelson shares a few quick ways you can reduce your intake of unhealthy fats.

1. Make Your Own Salad Dressings
Store-bought dressings and sauces tend to be full of saturated fat and high in calories. Try making your own using vinegar, olive oil and lemon juice.

2. Cut Back on Dairy
Dairy products are great for calcium, but eating a lot isn’t great if you’re trying to cut back on fat. Swapping cows milk for almond milk is a great place to start, and you can also try eating less cheese.

3. Save High-Fat Desserts for Special Occasions
You don’t need to indulge in cookies, ice-cream and pastries every day. They’re called indulgences for a reason! Swap your daily dessert or ice-cream for a fruity smoothie or some plain yogurt with fruit and a dash of honey.

4. Go Authentic
When you’re frying, try to go for the real deal and swap butter for hydrogenated margarines and vegetable oils like sunflower oil or canola oil.

5. Don’t Fry Unless You Have to
There are so many other ways to cook your food besides frying. Grilling, baking, poaching and steaming are just a few different ways that don’t involve frying.


See more of Ingrid here:

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