3 Variations on Toast You Need to Try

Just incase you’re over avocado toast.…

Just incase you’re over avocado toast.

You’re in a rush, you’re hungry, and you’re struggling to think straight. You don’t have time to pinterest a recipe, or scroll through Instagram, you need to eat, now.

When you’re hungry, what do you eat? Toast sounds like an obvious choice. It’s there, it requires little-to-no prep work, why wouldn’t you?

Here are 3 simple variations on toast you need to try.


taline gabriel hippie lane lifesum

Chef: Taline Gabriel of Hippie Lane (Instagram)
Toppings: Figs, coo, pistachio, maple


sue li bon appetit lifesum

Chef: Sue Li (Instagram) from Bon Appetit
Toppings: Eggs, smoked trout, cucumber, dill


the healthy hour lifesum

Chef: Stephanie Park of thehealthyhour.com (Instagram)
Toppings: Vegan Pesto, avocado slices, sprouts, pumpkin seeds, extra drizzle of olive oil

/Femi, The Girl Who Hates Working Out

RELATED: This is What a Healthy Breakfast Looks Like

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