Do Eggs Contain Carbs – and What is the Best Way to Cook Them?

Learn more about eggs and their unexpected nutritional treasures

As Easter approaches, eggs become more than just a symbol of new life and traditions; they are deserving attention year-round. While eggs have been subject to nutritional debates over the years, recent studies shed light on their myriad benefits, making them a staple in diets worldwide. 

The Nutritional Profile of Eggs

Eggs are a cost-effective and versatile source of high-quality protein (1), containing all nine essential amino acids. But their benefits extend far beyond protein. Let's delve into what makes eggs a must-have in your diet:

  • Vitamins and Minerals Galore: Eggs are a rich source of Vitamin D, which can support bone health and immune function. They also contain B vitamins, essential for energy production, and minerals like selenium and zinc, which can support immune health.
  • Eye Health Champions: Lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants found abundantly in egg yolks, are good for eye health (2).
  • Brain Boosting Benefits: Eggs contain choline, a nutrient that's essential for brain development and function. Despite its importance, many people don't get enough choline in their diets, making eggs an even more valuable food (3).

Debunking Egg Myths

Despite their impressive nutritional profile, eggs have often found themselves at the heart of dietary controversies, particularly concerning their cholesterol content. The myth that eggs could be harmful to our heart health due to high levels of cholesterol has led many to question or limit their egg consumption. 

However, it's time to crack these myths wide open and take a closer look at the evidence, revealing why eggs can be a beneficial part of a balanced diet.

Let's look closer at some of the myths related to eggs:

  • Cholesterol Concerns: The debate about whether consuming eggs elevates blood cholesterol levels has been ongoing, given the link between high blood cholesterol and a greater risk of heart disease. Historically, it was believed that dietary cholesterol, such as the 185 mg found in a large egg, directly influenced blood cholesterol levels, leading to the perception that eggs were detrimental to health. Yet, research indicates that for most people, the liver's production of cholesterol is a more significant factor than dietary intake. Studies now suggest that for individuals without health issues related to cholesterol, eating eggs does not increase the risk of heart disease (4).
  • Dietary Diversity: Incorporating eggs into a balanced diet has been associated with numerous health benefits, including weight management and muscle strength. They're also a natural, unprocessed food, fitting perfectly into a healthy eating plan. When it comes to keeping egg quality, it's generally best to cook them on lower-heat and without added oils. So the best way to cook eggs is either packed or boiled. If you love scrambled or fried eggs, one idea to make them a bit healthier is by using less oil or a non-stick frying pan and cooking them at a lower temperature for a longer period of time. 
  • Carbs Or No Carbs In Eggs: A medium egg contains about 0.56 grams of carbohydrates. To put this in perspective, the goal of a standard keto plan is to have less than 5-10% of total calories come from carbohydrates. For a 2,000 calories per day goal, this would equal 25-50 grams of carbohydrates per day. So yes, eggs in fact have carbohydrates, but a very low amount.

Facts You Might Not Know

  • Egg Color and Nutrition: The color of an eggshell is determined by the hen's breed, not its nutritional value. Whether brown, white, or blue, the nutritional content remains the same.

  • Cooking Methods Actually Matter: The nutritional value of eggs can vary depending on how they're cooked. For example, boiling or poaching preserves most nutrients, while frying in fat can increase calorie content.

  • U.S. Egg Consumption On The Rise: In 1950, according to the USDA’s Economic Research Service, the average person in the U.S. consumed 389 eggs per person. 40 years later, in 1990, that number was 236 eggs per person. Since then the number has increased to 247 in 2008.  

  • The World’s Largest Egg Was Laid by an Elephant Bird: The now-extinct elephant bird of Madagascar laid the largest eggs of any known bird. The egg was equivalent of 183 chicken eggs, according to Guinnes World Records.  

  • Eggs Can Indicate Their Freshness Through Water: An old but effective test to check an egg's freshness is to submerge it in water. Fresh eggs sink because they have less air inside, while older eggs float due to the increased air in their larger air cell.


When consumed as part of a varied and balanced diet, eggs offer a unique combination of essential nutrients and health benefits, making them an indispensable food for individuals aiming to maintain or improve their health and wellness. As nutritional science evolves, the evidence consistently supports the inclusion of eggs in the diet, affirming their role in fostering a healthier future, not only during Easter but all year long. 

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