Oopsies with Figs, Mozzarella, and Pistachios

Savory pancakes made luxurious with figs and mozzarella.…

Savory pancakes made luxurious with figs and mozzarella.

Ingredients for 4 servings
· 3 eggs
· 3 1/2 oz (100 g) cream cheese
· A pinch of salt
· 3 1/2 oz (100 g) mozzarella, thinly sliced
· 2 fresh figs, sliced
· 1 1/2 oz (40 g) pistachios, chopped

· Preheat the oven to 300 F (150 C or Gas Mark 2).
· Separate the eggs. Whisk the egg whites together with the salt until stiff peaks form.
· Beat the egg yolks and cream cheese until smooth. Mix the egg yolk mixture a little at a time into the egg whites. Distribute the egg mixture on a lined baking pan, it should make about 8 small .
· Bake in the middle of the oven for 25 minutes or until the oopsies are set and turn golden.
· Top with mozzarella, figs, and pistachios.

Nutrition Information for 1 serving
· 282 Cal
· 14.2 g protein
· 9.3 g carb
· 1.8 g fiber
· 6 g sugar
· 21.8 g fat
· 9.1 g saturated fat
· 10.3 g unsaturated fat
· 475 mg sodium
· 269 mg potassium

Good news guys, you can find this and more recipes in the Lifesum app!*

RELATED: These Are The 5 Foods You Should Always Have at Home

* Premium users only

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